
Shivam Bhonsle Updated by Shivam Bhonsle

Views provide an easy way to save an analysis for you to revisit later or share with other users - similar to a bookmark. A view will save all filters, segments, and date ranges applied to a report. You can share a view link with others so that they can see the exact same view of a report as you. Views can be saved against any (or all) reports.

Feature Overview

Below is an explanation for each component:

  1. Views Tab - shows a list of all accessible views include a description, date-range and share status
  2. Default View - audience metrics for your website without any rules, filters or segments
  3. Last Three Views - that can be accessed by clicking on the relevant buttons
  4. View Search Bar - to search for all views that have been created
  5. Save View - to save new views or update existing views once rules have been introduced

Set-Up Instructions

  1. Filter and Segment data on the default view in whatever way suits your requirements or web optimisation goals
  2. Click Save View. A pop-up will be displayed with a form that needs to be filled.
  1. Choose a shareable option
    1. Public Views can be accessed by the rest of your team
    2. Private Views are only visible on your profile
  2. Input a name and description for the view. This name is displayed on the dasboard as a button
  3. Choose a date range type.
    1. Fixed date ranges means that any date-range rules are static.
      1. For example, a fixed 'last 30 days view' means that data will only be recorded for these dates and will not change.
    2. Rolling date ranges means date-range rules change with each day.
      1. For example, a rolling 'last 30 days view' means that data will continue to flow to the most recent thirty days. This rule applies for specific date-ranges where the start and end date roll over each day.
  4. Choose the reports that this newly created view would impact
    1. Note - Specific funnels that you have created can be chosen for your view
  1. Click Save View

Accessing Views

  1. Click Views. A pop up will be displayed with the name, description, date-range and share-level of each rule

  1. Search or Scroll to find the relevant view to apply.

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