What is in an Insightech note?

Shivam Bhonsle Updated by Shivam Bhonsle

Creating a note becomes a quick way to share insights with the rest of your team and bookmark any moments of interest from key report overlays like,

  1. Session Replays
  2. Clickmap Reports
  3. Scrolling Heatmap

Navigate to Dashboard Notes to access all of your saved notes. Below includes some details about what is included in a note after it is created:

Different Parts of a Note

  1. Time stamp and User Icon - This appears on the top-left corner of every saved note.
    1. The time stamp corresponds to the moment it is saved within a session replay or replay overlay
  2. Lock Icon - This displays whether whether a note a is public (open lock) or private (closed lock)
  3. Created By - This is the date when the note was created
  4. Description - This shows the details of the note or insights you have uncovered to show to the rest of your team
  5. Date Range - Customer data from session replays or report overlays found in the note correspond to this time period
  6. Tags - These tags are searchable and can be filtered through a keyword search found in Notes.
    1. Each note has a default tag that relates to the report overlayed when the note was created:
      1. Moment - This is when a note was created through a default Session Replay
      2. Clickmap - Links - This is when a note was created within a Clickmap - Links report overlay
      3. Clickmap - Elements - This note was created in a Clickmap - Element report overlay
      4. Scrolling Heatmap - This note was created in a Scrolling Heatmap report overlay
  7. Copy Link - This URL takes a team member to the direct report and overlay that corresponds to the note
    1. Note - The Date Range and URL Filter when the note was created are directly applied if a team member uses the note's link
  8. View Replay - This button directs a user to the exact Session Replay where the note was created.
  9. Save Comment - Once a comment is written, this button saves the comment and makes it publicly viewable by your team members

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Sharing Replays, Insights, and Notes with the Team
